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Choreography 1
Content of the CHOREOGRAPHY 1 education
- The determination to become a choreographer
- The choreographer as a special person
- Logical build up and roadmap for choreography
- Content of a good quality choreography in the 5 latin dances
- General spatial design and directions
- The orientation of the dancer
- Floorcraft
- Spatial body movement design
- Temporal body movement design
Structure of the online education
- Education over 3 months in 6 sessions via Zoom
- 18-20 hours online education
- Profound education documents (Education Manual of 46 pages)
- Many suitable examples, links and videos to the topic musicality
- Free demand service for questions
- Morning education times for teachers
- Application of the Rhythmecality method
- Payment in one or three monthly rates possible
- Education price will be communicated in the first personal meeting