NTA Masterclass
A worldwide online platform and community for dancesport teachers/coaches, professional dancers and dance school teachers.
An education opportunity for teachers that is completely free from political influences and open for every motivated and dance-enthusiastic dance sport teacher around the world.
Dance expert knowledge and innovative teaching methods.
Connections all over the world.
Accessibility from all over the world.
All time online access to tailored educational dancesport material
In the MasterClass, various dance topics are covered over a period of 3 months. All topics are interrelated and form a logical sequence. Different dance experts are invited to look at the topic from different angles. The respective topic is always brought together by the founder Holger Nitsche, who always conducts the last educational session.
Included in the MasterClass membership is a FREE online educational course with Holger Nitsche (3 months – 6 lectures – 3,5 hours per lecture) on one of the existing topics. (See NTA educational courses above).
The membership of the MasterClass is for at least one year. It is contractually regulated between the members and the NTA.
Advantages and benefits of the MasterClass summarized
Monthly online lectures with selected dance sport experts.
Tailored educational dance sport material on demand.
All time access to all your lectures.
Exclusive community platform for all members.
Personal guidance for your teaching.

Be a Part of it.
Interested? Send me a mail and I will personally talk to you and answer all your questions.
By submitting the contact form, you agree that your data will be used to process your request (further information and revocation notices can be found in the privacy policy).